Make Christmas sparkle with this magical set of seven glass baubles featuring beloved characters from Disney's Beauty and the Beast. This set brings the enchanting tale to life with Belle, Beast, Lumiere, Mrs. Potts and others, adorning the delicate ornaments. Crafted from glass with shiny finishes and each one features stunning decorative details inside. This set makes an ideal gift for Disney fans and collectors.
Product Weight | 0.0270kg |
Packaging Dimensions | H 0, W 0, D 0mm |
Product Dimensions | H 170, W 80, D 80mm |
Main Material | Glass |
Main Finish | Shiny |
Range | Disney Icons & Villains |
Brand | Disney |
Sub-Category | Baubles & Tree Decoration Sets |
Main Colour | Various |
Packaging Type | Closed Box |
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